Healing from Abuse

R 73.00   R 296.00

Title: Healing from Abuse
Subtitle: A Practical Spiritual Guide
Author: Carla Van Raay
Publisher: Change Maker Books (2016)
ISBN-10: 1785352679
ISBN-13: 9781785351730
Condition: Very Good
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 185
Dimensions: 21.5 x 14.0 x 1.2 cm

Weight: 0.25 kg
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Healing from Abuse: A Practical Spiritual Guide is a balm for the soul. The path of healing is awesome, yet the author, who has advanced along that very same journey herself, maintains that everyone who takes it up is somehow given the power and support to make a success out of it. This book is presented as a part of that support and that empowerment. In its pages the reader is introduced and gradually made familiar with the Spirit of their inner being, the reality so easily ignored and yet so powerful once engaged. The Spirit Within is not confined to any religion - it is within all of us, whether we know it or not, and nothing we can do or experience can get rid of it. To heal means taking back the power to love and to received love, that great purpose worth living for. It is this love that will restore self-worth and self-esteem from the ground up and from the inside out.

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