The Right Bite: Smart Food Choices for Eating on the Go

R 57.00   R 172.00

Author: Jackie Lynch
Publisher: Nourish (2016)
ISBN-10: 1848997302
ISBN-13: 9781848997301
Condition: As new
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 143
Dimensions: 16.9 x 14 x 1.3 cm

Weight: 0.3 kg
We currently have 2 in stock.

Bran muffin or chocolate chip. Which wine is likely to do add the most inches to your waistline red, white or sparkling. And if you’re dying for a pizza, how can you keep the damage to a minimum.

Faced with this type of difficult decision, The Right Bite is here to help you make the least bad choice. It’s full of accessible, practical advice for all those everyday occasions when you might be tempted to have a little treat but don’t want to do too much damage.

Each chapter focuses on a different eating environment, including coffee shops, bars, takeout, the movies and even a family barbecue. For each situation The Right Bite explores the type of foods likely to be available and compares them, explaining the main health pitfalls and highlighting a top pick for each one.
--The Right Bite panel allows you to immediately pick the least ‘bad’ choice
--Fact Boxes scattered throughout give you extra tips and expert advice
--Nutrition Numbers help you compare and weigh up your options instantly
--Understanding Key Nutrients explains the main food groups

Written by an experienced nutritional therapist so you know that you are getting savvy advice and small enough to slip in your bag, this is the one-stop guide for anyone facing difficult food choices in the real world.

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